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- My FIRM foundation
I was sitting here tonight, and being in my quiet time with the Lord, and I was singing and just soaking in the tangible goodness of God, and as I began to just soak in him, I began to pray in the spirit and began to feel as if I was holding brick. Like, those big cinder blocks hundreds of them. I began to then nil down and then I began to plant those rocks around me in this vision I was building myself up at the very bottom, and when I was doing that, I began to hear chains like heavy chains breaking, I was in tears and I heard the Lord say, "I am your foundation, now build your life on me and watch it stand sturdy!" I asked God, Lord what is that I am supposed to do? I have struggled with knowing my calling... I asked the Lord "God, help me know your will for my life." And I got it, I am supposed to protect and serve, make peace. I am supposed to be a police officer. My foundation is in the Lord, and in doing this following what I am to do in the will that I believe and know that the Lord has for me. Building and starting from the bottom is not a bad thing; sometimes we all have to go through things and hit rock bottom so we can find out who the rock at the bottom is and that is Jesus. We all need that reminder who the rock at the bottom is, and that is Jesus. we are not quitters, when I was homeless and on drugs, and lying left and right it was hard to get up and build my home; but when I built it on Jesus, when I built it from nothing into something I found that God... He never left he was assisting me in the process. I was at the bottom, I hit the bottom I was ready to die, but then it clicked I changed I began building relationships fixing relationships and building that home I needed, and having Jesus in the center of my plans, of my family, my home in the center of EVERYTHING!! I began changing, I began changing for the good! You see, when we start from nothing and grow to something I can tell you now, from experience God uses a nobody and he forms them into something! And I am so glad to have come from nothing to now something! I changed the basis of my name, and I am someone who can be trusted, I am someone who saw the Lord in my fire! And baby, I know that you will and can too!
- "5 Meaningful Ways to Give Praise to Jesus in Your Daily Life"
So, when we go to church, we start with worship right? At least my church does lol. But in this blog post I am going to give you 5 meaningful ways to praise the Lord in your daily life. But before I do that, I want to pray for those who are going to read this blog. Lord, you know why this person is reading this message and I want you Lord to bless them whatever they are going through and no matter the situation you are bigger than the circumstance. Lord, I ask that you bless them with peace, and strength to walk out whatever they are going through. In the name of Jesus; Amen! Meaningful ways of praise: 1. Prayer, this is the most forgotten way of praise in my opinion, when we think of praise we think of music, and dancing but little do most of us know prayer is a huge part of worship and praise. Prayer is the biggest thing we have to do in our walk with Christ and we have to understand that prayer is the biggest thing in a Christians walk with God. Philippians 4:6 NKJV " Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your requests be known to the Lord." Prayer is the biggest thing we as Christians need to be doing for this nation and for our pastors and our families and for everyone we come in contact with and not in contact with. 2. Fasting, this is the setting away of things to put your soul focus on the Lord. Some will do fasting food, like a meal a day or social media and so much more. There are so many types of fasting and prayer times we can do, but I think the biggest thing we as a collective body of Christ can do is fast as a part of our way of worship and praise to the Father. 3. Singing, for some of us singing is a gift. Now me I can sing lol, and there are some out there who can really sing, like CECE Winans she can sing and so can Tasha Cobbs and a few others, but it doesn't matter if you can sing or not, Jesus loves to hear your singing and your praises so as a form of praise yes, singing would be among those and I am going to give scripture here to back that up. Zephaniah 3:17 NKJV "The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." See this is a form of worship, singing praises to the Lord is like a sweet fragrance to the Lord. 4. Devotional worship, how many of us in the morning or through the day or before we go to be, spend a few hours with the Lord, in a devo time? I know I do. When we spend time like that with him, it is like a replenishing or a stop at our spiritual gas station right there in our homes lol, I for my devo time, I turn on the worship music, and i grab my iPad, and bible and I sit, and I read and take notes and I think of how I can apply what I am reading in the bible to my daily life and what that may look like. I begin to worship the Lord there in my quiet time of solidarity and repentance. See devotional times are sacred in my family, it is a time where we all part for a few hours go in another room in my house or even outside, and we just spend the time we need to with the Lord and we forget about everything around us and what is going on in our lives, and we focus only on the Lord. My favorite devotional I am doing right now, is by Real talk Kim, and WOW! Y'all will have to search her name up she is amazing! But devotional is the best time you can have along with the others listed, but I think this random time with the Lord is the absolute best because we are not putting God on a time frame and only going to him when things get bad or when we want something! 5. Having Humility: Having Humility is a huge one in my opinion, for those who don't know the definition of humility, it means to be humble, and be low. And not the kind of low. I can say having Humility is something that all christians should have, going and presenting yourselves to the Lord, as wives present themselves to their husbands. A good example of this is Colossians 3:12; "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, Humility, gentleness and patience. This a huge part of worship and praise in my opinion. And I say this because you cannot worship and praise God with pride because therefore the provide you have in your heart you begin to think "I can do more than God." I am serious and the fact that I cannot be more serious about this is that Humility and pride are mere enemies, they just like fear cannot coincide with the Lord. I am going to tell you that the most important thing to do as a Christian, is humble yourself before the Lord and do so diligently. In my life I had a hard time with pride and being big headed, it was horrible and I never thought that I would have this issue till I did some self examination to see what it was that causing me not to have Humility before the Lord. I questioned my very vigor and state of spiritual being and relationship with God because I knew that I had some issues I as a christian needed to get right. So with that self examination I knew that I had to do some praying and fasting, and spend that one on one time with the Lord. So I did that and I now have Humility. And it was all because I did that self examination and found what needed to be fixed, and I know that as christians you can do the same if I can, you can.
- "Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Overcoming the Inevitable"
So, I was in my quiet time with the Lord this morning I was thinking as I was sitting on my couch looking out my window at the field in my backyard, I was asking the Lord, "father I want you to show me what there is i can do besides writing my books, and serving in my church tell me what you want me to do to serve you more." I was just sitting there asking the Lord, because anyone who knows me I want to serve in any way I can possible and I do it without complaint. But lately I have felt like I have been facing adversity and, and having some difficult challenges and here in my blog I am able to tell y'all like how I have come through some tough times here as a business owner and In this time being faithful to the Lord, as I serve in many positions in my church and then me going all over and preaching and writing my books, plus a new album will be launching soon! I have had some serious challenges in my life here lately, so as many know I am in school becoming an MD, and that is tough lol; I cannot tell you how many times I have faced adversity in times I thought were going "good" or your average "normal" lol, whatever normal looks like. In today's society normal is not what we would have thought normal was 8 years ago lol. A lot has changed our world is not the same as we knew it 8-12 years ago. I was more caught up with how many of us have faced adversity in these challenging times in this world today. But I want to tell you this, no matter the things we have gone through our circumstances may have changed but God, haha he has NEVER changed! As mentioned in Hebrews 13:8 "For Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Despite our hardships and adversities, we have to be resilient in these times in the bible it talks about the Lord choosing the 12 as his disciples, I call them the Magnificent 12, because yes, they came from adversity and they faced it head on and they made it through all kinds of unimaginable challenges, persecution being one, and we as christians have a duty to look adversity in the eye and say "NO MORE!!!" We have a duty y'all, to say "WHO ARE YOU GREAT MOUNTAIN?" It is time to get up and do the thang y'all! Look at Peter and what he did he faced a horrible challenge, he denied Christ 3 times, and he lied about knowing Jesus but he was even after that, he was still oh so faithful to Jesus and he preached the gospel and, I can say that Peter overcame the inevitable. I want you to turn to 1st Peter 5:6 " Therefore exalt yourselves under the hand of mighty God, that he may exalt you in DUE TIME." He may exalt you in due time, for some of you, I believe that your DUE TIME is coming, Peter had to wait, and be diligent and in due time God exalted Peter. We have some of the most troubling times and it is just going to get worse and us as a collective body as the church we have to get ready for those times, I know that there troubling times but in the conclusion of this post, I want to leave you with this scripture and then I will touch on it a little before officially closing this out. 1ST Peter 5:10 NKJV But may the God of all Grace, who called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect,established, strengthened, and settled you. You see, our adversity and long suffering isn't going to be long, it is but a short time, saith the Lord, for I saith God have come to redeem you, for I will come quickly and I will make my presence known to the world, I am bringing judgement to those who have cursed me, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God I want you to know I come swiftly and it will be in the twinkle of an eye! I am coming my children, to rescue those who have believed in me and kept my commandments. Woe is the day for those who have been left behind, for your suffering has just begun! (Word from the Lord.) I was sitting here listening to the song (In the Room) and I had this word from the Lord come to me, you maybe going through suffering and adversity now, but I am telling you all, that day is fastly approaching and we will see the kingdom of God, because this kingdom is going to be greater than our culture! It is coming fast and we will be out of here facing no challenges and no adversity! Are you ready?
- Trust in God and hang tight!
So as a child it was hard, my childhood was not all that amazing we had our ups and downs that made me feel like I was not doing enough to help my family. I had to grow up at a young age and that was hard very hard, but I learned something that was imperative to my life now, I learned how to be patient. Boy, let me tell you that was hard; those who know me, know that is hard for me. But now, as I have grown and matured far beyond my normal years. I was not the type of young man who was easily "settled." I was the boy who never settled for less, until well; I went through some literal hell. I learned through the drug addiction, the porn addiction, and the addiction to alcohol that if there was not a substantial change in my life I was going to die. I was going to indeed fall off the deep end as many call it. As a young man, well no as a man I learned a lot watching my parents and now as I watch my adopted parents so in this post I am going to tell you how I learned to be patient and trust God, and also how I learned to watch for red flags in relationships, and in friendships, and with people that I come in contact with on a daily basis. My life was rather crazy to be honest. I like I mentioned in my book, actually both books, I was a drug addict but that doesn't define Aiden, it will never define me at all. During that time in my life, I had to learn to be patient and trust in God and let him do what he does best and well, that is be God! The alcohol, that was the worst that made me feel worse than drugs ever did, I begged myself to just stop I was literally on my knees puking one night and all I could do was just cry and beg God to stop making me kill myself. And truth be told y'all I was killing myself I was. But I kept on because I did not know how or where to stop, I was so influenced by the world and indoctrinated by those I was hanging out with that I did not know what to do with me anymore. I was hanging on tight for dear life actually, I was hanging on so tight that I did not know what to do anymore, I was asking God "when can I let go now?" And God always said the same thing, "Did I ever let go when it got hard?" I knew right there it was like a slap in the back of the head. I had some sense knocked into me that day. Addiction is hard, and it kills a person from the inside out and will continue if you do not trust in God and just hang on a little while longer! I had to learn to trust in the person who I thought took everything and everyone away from me! I had to trust in God. I had to learn to not lean on my own understanding but in all my ways acknowledge him. I had to acknowledge God and lean on his understanding. because y'all, let me tell you something; when you try to do it yourself, and you try to "play" God nothing ever will work out in your favor. Take it from someone who tried to overthrow God out of his life, yeah... That backfired and that bullet hurt lol! I was not the best person at all, but God saw something in me that no one else saw, he saw love; and a heart that wanted to get clean and wanted to stay vigilant a track for him but did not know how too. he saw past all that and made me clean and washed me as white a sheep wool. I feel me, I am preaching, I am singing, I wrote two books, working on my third, I am a radio show host, I have 4 podcasts'! Y'all, God has truly blessed me and now look, I am in medical school to become a surgeon! I hung in there and I hung on tight for dear life! And what did I do? I had trust and put my faith in the Lord! The author of my steps and the finisher of tomorrows story! I did it and I had the faith to move a million mountains, but God never failed me not one bit; this is my story; and if God can do it for me then baby, he can do it for you too!
- I'm caught up in this Holy Moment
I remember when I was 12 years old when my mom was sick, there was an overwhelming feeling of fear that consumed my every being. I was 11 when she was diagnosed and 12 when she died, It was hard watching your mother die then the "dad" who was there but wasn't there not be there, I could not help but wonder what I as a child did to make my family fall apart the way that it did? My life changed when my mother died but truly it changed when I was 6 years old, and in my book that is kind of where it all started maybe a little earlier. But as I look back on my life now and I try to understand or comprehend why I went through all that I cannot help but think of this song, For your Glory by Tasha Cobbs. I was abused and left alone, I was homeless and abandoned and left for dead, but one thing that never changed in my life and that was my faith in Jesus and me clinging to him when I was on the streets, doing drugs, getting drunk, sneaking out and having sex. He never left me and he was always there no matter what I said to him or about him, he loved me and my story well, my story is for his glory to show you that God can take a drug ex-drug addict, and alcoholic, and an ex- sex addict and make him into a masterpiece. I was so lost and confused, that I thought that I was a girl, I thought that I would be just like my dad, in jail, on the streets for life and refusing to accept my responsibility as a man to my family. Now look, I can say that my father did not teach me anything but there is one thing I know for certain that he did teach me, and it is how NOT to be like him. I am caught up in this Holy Moment in being with Jesus because my entire life changed when I got "Adopted." I began to grow spiritually and mentally as well as I began growing as a man, how to love and accept love from people and not be afraid of accepting it. Because for so long, I was terrified of accepting love from anyone because I was convinced I was broken, and dirty, and unworthy of anyone's love. I convinced myself that the only thing I was worthy of was death, But I got up and grew up and shut those doors that I had opened to drugs, alcohol, sex, porn. I shut it all and realised that I was different and that I was raised differently. I was caught in that holy moment standing there with Jesus one night I was about to commit suicide and Jesus meet me in my darkest point, that beacon of light in the darkness, I was fixing to hang myself and I never thought I would be so scared and I felt someone grab my feet and bring me down It never happened, I am alive and I knew that it was Jesus I knew that it was not my end just yet. I was saved and from then on I have lived fervently for Jesus, I am an author, I am a radio host, and a podcast creator, Minister, Singer, and councilor. I have come so far from all I have gone through! Thank you Jesus!
- Mercy brought back what was lost!
You know this blog is such an emotional post because I am going to write to y'all about how Jesus has brought back a man who thought that he was destined for hell. I was on the streets and I was lost in so much rebellion and deception not just within the world but within myself. What I thought was going to be my fate turned out to be a lie. But I can sit here and tell you that the mercy of God brought back a man who was heading down the path to prison and a lifetime of being on the streets. I was heading down a self destructive path and it took me being shook to my core to wake up and realize that the streets and drugs and alcohol and lying and cheating had nothing to offer me! God, oh but GOD!! I was a dead man walking in the streets of South Waco, and in the streets of Downtown Tulsa Oklahoma. I was truly left for dead and I did it to myself, but the day I tried to end it all, and my family who read my blog this will be the first time they read about this or heard of it. When I tried to hang myself I knew that this surly couldn't be the end of my story. I had a story to tell. I was done with the streets and I was done with lying, cheating, stealing and self sabotaging my own future. I was always fascinated with the story of Judus how he betrayed Jesus for silver, and when he felt as if there was nothing left for him he hung himself, I was walking in the shoes of Judus, I felt like I betrayed Jesus by walking in the world and not in him. And, I shortly then tried to hang myself and just end it because the pain was just to much to handle. Yes, I have a family and people who care about me but I did not care I was hurting and no amount of "love" they could show me could help erase the years of pain and abuse and outcasting. I had to make a change and the night I tried to kill myself was it for me, mercy, oh that tangable love and kindness shown by God; it was always there I never had the courage to reach out and take it and touch it! And, many will ask "What made you finally reach out and take it?" The demonic laugh I heard behind me the night I tried to hang myself. And the things they would say "We have another one!" oh other things I refuse to write because it is not the appropriate language. But I have this to say, "Look at me NOW SATAN!!!!" I am not dead, the devil thought he had me, oh but baby I am alive I am walking and I am shaking Hell to its core, saving souls left and right! Baby, MERCY BROUGHT BACK A MAN THAT WAS LOST!!! All I have to say now, is this " HELL, GET READY IT IS TIME TO GO TO WAR AND YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE!!"
- He is the potter and I am the clay
This post is not going to be so long but I feel in my soul that some need to hear this. Stop trying to revive dead situations that died a long time ago. I will tell you that there is so much that you could be fighting for but yet you would rather try to mold the situation to fit your narratives. I will tell you that I used to be a "control freak" and wanted everything to go my way. But, I can tell you that GOD is the potter and I am the clay and he is making me what he needs me for to address the situation in a Godly way. There is more to life and way more to walking in grace than sitting and being a bump on a log being complacent. YOU ARE NOT THE POTTER!!! There is no reason why we should be playing God. That situation is the way it is because God is letting you hit the bottom so he can see who the rock really is at the bottom; is it Jesus; or is it your pride and stupidity? HE IS THE POTTER, and YOU are the clay! There is no reason why you should not be on the still, allowing God to mold you into something powerful! BABY, you have something to do, you have something to fight for you have something to do, I am going to say it again, you have something to do! Have you ever heard the saying, "He makes diamonds from dust?" Well baby, I am here to tell you that there is going to be so many diamonds at the end of this season because some of us decided we ARE NOT God, and that we need to be on the wheel being molded and stop trying to do the molding! STOP trying so hard instead get up, put on the armor of God and fight. Stop being complacent and start being fixated on the power and glory of Jesus! HE IS THE POTTER AND YOU ARE THE CLAY!!!! Say it with me, " MOLD ME JESUS!!" Stop wasting your calling and stop trying to promote yourself in areas you need the most help in! HE IS THE POTTER AND I AM THE CLAY!!!
- You're growing where they cannot go!
Everyone asks a simple yet rhetorical question, "Why do people leave?" I can tell you! You are growing where those people simply cannot go. Sometimes it takes you taking the high road and trusting the Lord, it takes so much faith for you to come to the point to where you NEED to cut those people off and get them out of your life so you can move forward to fulfill the destiny of purpose God has called you to fulfil in the kingdom. In my life I had family members that I had to cut off because I knew that they were not going to help me advance in the kingdom of God. You see even family members cause chaos. But there is something I want you to know, and you'll look at me (If y'all meet me) you will look at me and ask this question after the following statement. Sometimes God advances your enemies to show you just how far you need to go! And you will look at me and ask "Well why is God advancing them, they hurt me?" Well, I will tell you this! Just because they are moving up, and you're not it is because God is still trying to tell your stubborn tail; "Hey, I need you to look at em and not them, because your promotion makes you even more qualified!" You see advancing and growing are two different things but have the same meaning, advancing means to be promoted, growing means to extend past your current knowledge! As children of God we are "QUALIFIED" to do both! Stop worrying about what other people are doing around you and what they are saying about you, and focus on what you need to do to grow, because baby where you are growing some of them cannot go with you for the very purpose of "They are just not ready to be on the level God has YOU at right now!" I had people in my life I had to cut off and let go, because they were doing nothing but bringing me down and causing me to go through a "spiral" and not helping me advance in life or shining the right light into my life (Which is God). You see there are many things that we can do to move forward and I found that praying this prayer has always helped. "Lord, I ask you to take those out which have no place." I was talking to my girlfriend about this and we both have people in our lives that cause chaos and it is easy for us to just let people stay there and cause chaos because we would rather settle and be complacent with stupid then tell them to get up and say "Get thee behind me satan!" It is better to get up move and advance!
- why did you stop fighting?
Why did you stop fighting? What made you drop your guard and stop fighting? Did Jesus give up when he was crucified? Did Jesus give up when people ridiculed him, No!! He did not, he made it! When I was on drugs and in the streets I gave up, I really did I looked around me in the streets of downtown Tulsa Oklahoma I gave up, I stopped and looked up at God and told him "Screw you!" I was done I was over the moon angry with God and myself but you see I was drowning myself I was the one making myself angry because I gave up and I stopped fighting because I thought that the "Aiden Method" was better than the God method! I was convinced that Aiden's way was so much better; you see I hid myself being on drugs from my family and some fell for it and they will see what I am talking about when they read this post. My drug of choice well the first drug I ever got ahold of, was heroin, and that "WHEWWW" y'all let me tell you I was messed up but at the time I had just lost the most important person to me and at 12 losing a momma and then losing a "father" who never really was a father to any of us it was hard because I had to step up to the plate but I did not want too; I was playing with God, playing my family destroying everything I touched it took a lot for me to rebuild the relationship with my Mawmaw before she passed away to go be with the Lord. I destroyed so many things and so many lives all because I gave up on myself and left God in the dust and ran off but you see, you know what God did during my craziness? He came after me and it took me almost hanging myself in my bathroom for me to know "quitting the fight" was not the right thing for me to do! I was done, after that happened I was done I was fixing to walk in the flames of hell and never come back! In the middle of that I saw a man who clothed in white and when I would look at him I would start crying and I feel at the feet of Jesus, and I heard a woman's voice and she touched my shoulder and said this I will never forget it because when I looked up the women was my mommy; "Son, STOP! You have a ministry to start and it is not time for you to be here yet." That hit the nail on the head for me, I still have a story to tell! Between my Nana, my MeMe, and my Mom now, all praying for me and if it was not for my nana, looking at me getting down on her knees begging me to stop killing myself; that was it for me! I had to put on the whole armor of God and get back in the ring and fight Satan! And even today, I am still fighting I am still fighting and I am still letting Satan know that he needs to look under his bed at night because I will be there giving him the same hell he gave me! I had to fight, now my question to you is simple... Are you going to keep fighting?!
- Run to the Throne
WOW!! This title says it all, (Run to the throne) I wrote this blog because it shows that the throne we run to is the fathers! When I was lost in sin and bound by the shackles and chains of this world all I wanted to do was run to the throne of Jesus and just sit there i was almost begging to go to the feet of jesus but I felt so dirty and unworthy to go to such a place but, if it was not for being homeless in the streets of downtown Tulsa Oklahoma, I would never have went to the throne of God and I can distinctly remember this while I was sleeping in the park in Tulsa, that a man appeared to me and this is a story I never told anyone so my family who read my blog they will be reading this for the first time. I was sleeping because I had been walking for five hours and had blisters on the bottom of my feet I was so tired and this man he was dressed in the nicest clothes I had ever seen and he bent over and looked at me and he asked "What are you doing here?" And I looked him in the eyes and told him "I cannot go any farther!" He grabbed my hand picked me up and said "Walk, you've got a story to tell!" I got up walked 3 more hours and made it to the bus station to come back to Waco Texas, and I then got on the bus the next morning to come back to Waco, got back home at 9 that night, and I told everyone of my journey but never the things that happened. The entire way home I had my earbuds in and I played one song the entire way home, and it was (for your glory) by Tasha Cobbs, This song, made me the strongest and I can say this I never thought that I would have made it the way I did, I craved to run to the throne room of Christ; so this is a testament to those who feel as if they feel "unworthy" to go to the feet of Jesus, FALSE!! baby, I was homeless and that made me feel as if I was lost being homeless, almost as if not only I was on drugs and drinking but it made me feel as if I was 100 light years away from God and I was unable to to even reach out and touch him! But, when I finally got back to where I should be it made me feel all the more better because I finally got to go to throne room and be with the Lord, and have all the crap that I went expunged I was made all the more new and clean. I tell people that it does not matter where you come from, all that matters is where you are going, so let's make the best of the situation you are in and lets do it with help, grace, and faith; because that is the only way you will get to where you deserve and need to be!
- Word of God Speak
It took me a hot minute to come with a title for this blog post but after praying about it, it came to me. Word of GOD speak. So you see the word of God, is the very battle plan we all live by on a day to day basis. You see the Lord, will speak to us we just have to be open to hear what he has to say, this goes back to my previous post about having faith, faith is the thing we need in order to sustain a life in essence. I have a story that I can tell and well, it is about the life I lived before Jesus. I was on drugs and addicted to sex and alcohol and so much more that I craved for God to send me a sign or make something step out in my way to make me stop the cycle I was going in. I had a pastor and actually it was my pastor at my home church, he told me as I was going down the rabbit hole as I call it, he looked at me with correction and love in his eyes, and said these words to me "Aiden, the only way you are going to overcome this is by changing your course instead of going around the same mountain." If there is anything I have learned it is this, the Lord will speak to you in some of the most crazy and mysterious ways you will look around and be like "Lord, why you gotta be so on point?" lol! I can tell you why, that is the only way he can get some of y'alls attention because all you want to do is focus on what you want to say and what you want to happen, not the plan that was wrote out for you at the beginning of time! Sometimes the word from God may be a word of correction and guidance because God sees you going down a path that is going to lead to destruction. Correction is not rejection, correction is the very embodiment of the kind of love the Lord has for us and the Lord will put people in your life to correct you for the simple fact that he loves you that much! When I was on drugs and running crazy I needed that correction that form of "Common sense" knocked into me and sure enough by God sending the right folks it was knocked into me in the hardest most holy way possible! So, I say this to you if you have not received anything from this. DO NOT negate the correction of the Lord, because like I said; correction, it is not rejection but merely a form of love and tenderheartedness. The love of God is not harsh but full of love and the people he puts in your path to correct you will do the same thing! Do not reject the love of God but rather embrace it!
- Walking on water with Jesus
So, this blog post is focused primarily on faith and how to keep your eyes focused solely on Jesus. In life we have always temptations we face and some try or put our faith in Jesus on trial, and in that we face temptations that make us negate the power of Jesus. You see Peter did the same thing, if we go back to when there was the storm and all the disciples were in the boat and they see Jesus walking out and one of the disciples cried out to Jesus and said "Lord, if that is you call me out to you!" And Peter went out to Jesus walking on water to him, but you see like Peter we always look around and see the waves around us instead of focusing on light which is Jesus in front of us. Faith without works is dead, it's just a future heart attack as I put it. You see faith is the strongest weapon we as christians can obtain that and prayer, when we pray and have faith we see a shift in the situation that we are currently in because we tend to believe and trust in the Lord and everything then works out for our good, it may not be the way we want it but God always makes it work out for our good! I was thinking of the faith Peter had in Jesus and in what the Lord could do! I want to share with you this, when you go through something and we feel as if we just cannot go any farther think of Peter, he started sinking when he took his eyes off the prize and that prize was Jesus! When we take our eyes off the very prize we begin to sink in our own understanding; the bible says this, "Lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways Acknowledge him (Jesus/The father) and he will make your paths straight! I would walk with Jesus then I would see something I would think I could "fix" or make "better" meanwhile my own situation was crashing down I was like the plane in the movie the San Andreas Fault everything comes crashing down around me and I would think and ask "God, why does this keep happening, why is everything crashing down around me?" and I would hear this voice "You took your eyes off me!" Well, if that doesn't make you want to fix your eyes upon Jesus I have no idea what will happen, you need to go do some searching baby! I want you to read this passage of scripture that I think would benefit you because in the light of your faith having struggle I want to remind you that you have power the same power that rose Jesus from the grave, that very same power lives in you so you can walk in victory and wall in this life knowing that death raising power lives in you it takes just the amount of faith as small as a grain of mustard seed, for you to say unto this mountain "Be thou removed and cast into the sea, and have not a doubt in your mind that he WILL do whatever he says!" See it is already done, it is just a matter of you having faith and walking out on the water trusting in Jesus! Read this y'all, I believe when we pick up our cross and we follow Jesus, yes we go through things but we have a weapon that can kick it all back to hell. Matthew 16:24-28 NKJV 24) Then Jesus said to his disciples, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. 25) Therefore whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26)For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? 27) For the Son of man (Jesus) will come in the glory of his father with his angels, and then he will reward each according to his works. 28) Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not see death till they see the son of man (Jesus) coming in His kingdom. Picking up your cross having faith in Jesus is hard yes, because I will tell you everyone will tell you that christians have to live up to a high standard and you know what some of that maybe somewhat true, but really it is the amount of faith you put in Jesus that makes it count doing what the bible says walking in a right standing firm count with the Lord, that what christians mean it means (Christ like) notice at the first of the word Chist-ian Christ, being or walking as christ living and telling of the good news. I would assume that would've been hard for Peter at the end let's look at him chopping a roman soldiers ear off then denying Jesus, he could not live with himself. I think some of get that way when we feel like we have run away from God and he will not let us come back. BABY, that is false he will leave his flock just to find the one, he will leave the 99 and go and find you that is how amazing and loving and abundant his love is for you! I want to leave you with this quote from Reba Mcentire, because I believe it is so relevant here and I want you all to understand how important your faith is! "Faith is something more than just believing, that's what the good book says!" ~Reba Mcentire Keep your faith because that is the only thing that will get you through all of life's hard times, focus on Jesus when the storm is raging and feel as if the waves are going to bring you under, remember; that Jesus will and can do more than you and I and or anyone on this planet put together!