From Graveyards to Flower Beds
So you know in life we chose where we want to be, and when we get there we look around and finally realize "this is not where I need to be." But yet, you put yourself there, in life there will be attacks and there will be strongholds that will try to make you build your grave and the graveyard around you instead of you palanting the flower beds around you. You see, this is spiritually symbolic for a reason because there is a song by elevation worship called Graves into Gardens, and I believe that in today's world we are so used to tearing ourselves down and letting others have the power over or future that we allow our self to build those cemeteries instead of those beautiful flower beds. I went through some of the hardest things in my life, I lost everything and felt almost as if I would never gain anything good I was angry at God, I was angry at everyone that was around me because I was allowing my enemies and some family members tear me down and make look and feel as if I was absolutely nothing. I was allowing the haters and the backlash that others were giving determine my spiritual future, And you will ask "Aiden what does this mean?" i was allowing what others said have an impact on the outcome of what I planned my life to be. But the truth is, it does not matter what others say and or think about you sometimes it does not matter what you think about you. All that matters is what God thinks of you. because just like the bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you saith the Lord of host, plans for you to prosper and to have a hope." You see what others say amounts to nothing not even a hill of beans because all that people will do is try to tear you down, but you know what I have learned is this, Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. I am going to tell you why, I pays to see the stupidity at work that will come against you but at the end of the day, I can tell you God just will bring you up more and more. Baby, if they are pulling away, and you think you were close friends, that means that God is closing the curtain on that chapter and you are GROWING where they can't because they are still spiritually immature. Do not let the immature make you mediocre, courage never hurt nobody! Move on stop letting them help you dig those graves and start digging some flower beds, Start digging pulling the roots out and making new beds, start covering those graves with roses, and lillys, and sunflowers because when you do all you have to do when the haters walk by is this " Baby, stop and smell the flowers!" You see God is taking you places that person or group of people cannot go because they are not ready to grow up. I have this friend who is up there in years and this friend is nothing but drama, You see everywhere this person goes drama follows, it is like an endless cycle of drama and chaos. So I had to do what I should've done a long time ago, and that is say " That's a wrap, I've got to go!" You see your life will always follow the path of the people you choose to hang around with because you will gravitate towards that. And this person all they want to do is start chaos and confusion and division not resolve the conflict at hand, and that is this person spiritual immaturity. You seem the more you pull away the more of a shift in the atmosphere you will begin to see. I have this one friend, and she is my best friend, she is like my sister, she will sit here and look at me and say "Aiden, now you know you have to pull away!" what is so crazy is that she is RIGHT 99% of the time she is right because she has been there to help me build my flower beds and cover p those graves with the blessing God has bestowed upon me and my life. There is nothing wrong with shutting off those who do nothing but cause chaos and division in your life! I have a saying "Sit down and shut up!" And sometimes I have to do that because I am just like everyone else my mouth will sometimes take me places I should not be going lol! Sometimes holding the door open to allow others to walk is the best thing you have to do! Get up, move and walk and build you some fences that way you can see the warning label people carry above their head! You see when I met my fiance, I was burying myself and I was making my graveyard and not a flower bed, I was putting myself deeper in my grave instead of pulling myself out! God made a way, and for me it was giving me Brooke, you see God will give you people as a sign of rather you're doing it right or it is time to take a step back this was my sign from God that i was doing it right! This will lead me into my next post later this week! Enjoy and be blessed!
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